Diagnostic Evaluations
A comprehensive educational, neuropsychological, or psychological evaluation is a fundamental part of gaining insight into an individual’s developmental, academic, behavioral, and social-emotional strengths and differences. An assessment battery is tailored to a client’s needs and can incorporate several measures that examine multiple areas of functioning. Moreover, testing provides a plan for future action and support, as well as produces essential data points that help gauge growth and progress over time. We offer testing for children, adolescents, and adults.
Areas and Conditions Assessed
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Neurodevelopmental Strengths and Challenges (e.g. Executive Functioning, Attention, Memory, Perception, and Processing)
Cognitive Functioning and Intellectual Disabilities
Academic Achievement and Learning Disorders
Early Development and Developmental Concerns
Communication and Language Differences
Social-Emotional and Behavioral Challenges
Anxiety Disorders
Pre-K and Kindergarten School Readiness
Adaptive Functioning
Abbreviated Autism Re-Evaluations for Continued Treatment (conditions apply)
Assessment Process
Preliminary Paperwork-Once a diagnostic evaluation has been tentatively scheduled, individuals or caregivers are asked to complete initial paperwork that includes an extensive intake form. A deposit will be collected before the intake appointment to secure the proposed testing dates. Individuals and families are encouraged to provide any additional relevant sources of information. These may include educational records, such as Individualized Educational Programs (IEP), 504 Plans, report cards, school disciplinary records; pertinent medical records; and any prior evaluations.
Intake Session-Caregivers meet with Dr. Khan via Telehealth to discuss their needs, concerns, and goals for testing. If appropriate, the client is able to participate in this session. Dr. Khan will also review paperwork, clarify relative policies, and answer any remaining questions before in-person testing begins. Adult testing clients will begin their in-person testing with an extensive diagnostic interview.
Comprehensive Evaluation-A thorough assessment involves a clinical interview, observations, and testing. For children and adolescents, an individualized battery of tests is generally completed in 2-3-hour blocks over several days, yet this may be adjusted depending on what is appropriate given the client’s age, developmental level, and ability. When applicable, information will also be obtained from additional sources, including therapists, teachers, and medical professionals. Adult testing clients will meet for one day of in-person testing for approximately 5 hours. Virtual consultations will also be scheduled with family members, partners, friends, and professionals when possible.
Feedback Session-Once testing data is analyzed and supplemental information is collected, a virtual feedback session will be completed. A written report is given to the client or family detailing the results of the evaluation, recommendations, and a treatment plan.
Fees and Payment
Due to the time intensive nature of our comprehensive assessment process, diagnostic evaluations are an out-of-network service. A flat fee for a standard evaluation is determined based on the client’s age and individualized testing needs. Additional services can be provided at the hourly rate.
Once testing is complete, a superbill can be provided for possible direct reimbursement from insurance. Contact your insurance and provide them with the following CPT codes to determine their resimbursement rates (90791, 96136, 96137, 96130, 96131, 96132, and 96133). Make sure to also inquire about pre-authorization or the need for a physician’s referral for testing. Insurance companies may not reimburse for all testing measures administered or all services provided (e.g. school observations).
In order to secure testing dates, a $500 testing deposit will be collected and applied towards the total cost of the evaluation. After the virtual intake session, half of the proposed total will be expected with the final balance due at the time of the virtual feedback session. Credit card fees will apply. The evaluation report will not be released until payment is received in full.